Mirlitons Classified is a free service of Mirliton.org to connect sellers and buyers of heirloom locally-grown mirlitons in the Gulf-Coast South. Donors as well as sellers are encouraged. We accept ads from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Heirloom mirlitons are defined as varieties certified heirloom by Mirliton.Org or locally-grown in the Gulf-Coast. We do not accept imported varieties grown outside the United States. Terms of sale are determined by sellers-buyers agreement. Sellers can post photographs of their mirlitons and vine. Please indicate the variety name, if known, and if you are selling unsprouted mirlitons, sprouted mirlitons, or container plants. Include prices. Your ad will remain posted for 30 days before taken down and renewed. You may also advertise that you need help with growing a vine or want to help someone who can no longer care for a vine because of your age or disability.
Contact Mirliton.Org at Lance@mirliton.org if you have any further questions.
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